Friday, June 29, 2012

How to Remove Blog Title From Post Title?

Here's the toturial on how to remove Blog Title on Blogger.

When search engines are trying to index your site they give you extra brownie points by what is written in the title. So if someone was searching for "brown puppies" and your title or your post was "brown puppies", then this would make your post seem more relevant than a post titled "big cars". Now the problem is if your blog title was "Favorite Stuff" then your post on brown puppies would read "Favorite Stuff: Brown Puppies" to the search engines.

Obviously this is degrading the value of the title by keeping the blog title in place. So, we want to get rid of it. How do we do it?

1. Log into the Dashboard and select the appropriate blog.

2. Goto Layout

3. Edit HTML

4. You should backup your template although there should not be a problem.

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