Saturday, September 15, 2012

Change maximum number of posts Blogger Label List

Here' the tricks on how to change maximum number of posts blogger list label.

If you have a 1k post on a specific Label ex. (How To) in blogger, if you view 1k in one page the number of post that appear is only 25 if you have a time try to count (that is the deffault in old blogger.)

Lets start this.
Note before you do some changes on your blogger template, first do a back up.

Now you got to open the template editor (Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML). Tick [ ] Expand Widget Templates

Now use ctrl+F to help you find the following codes:


Replace the above with the following (I used the number 150 because I want all posts to be displayed in the label page. You may use other numbers in place of 150):

expr:href='data:label.url + "?max-results=160"'           

Repeat this for all instances of expr:href='data:label.url' that you can find. I think for the Simple template, there will be 2 instances, so the above will have to be repeated 2 times. On Old blog the got 3 so you could repeat into 3 times.

Finally job will done, save it.

How to Attract Advertisers to your Site with your Google Adsense.