Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Video: How to fix Selfie Sticks not working with Mi Redmi Android Phones?

If you are not able to use your Selfie Stick with Mi Redmi Android Phones, then check out the video how to fix it. It works, but there are a few places you need to change settings.

Selfie sticks uses the volume button control to tell the phone to take pictures. So the phone should be able to take pictures with the volume buttons even without a selfie stick. This applies to any phone. If the phone is not taking pictures with the volume buttons, configure the phone's camera settings.

BSEH SRS TGT-PGT Recruitment 2016 : Walk-in-Interview

Board of School Education Haryana, Bhiwani released Schedule of Walk-In-Interview for the post of TGT & PGT at Sarvepalli Radhakrishan School Bhiwani. Candidates may attend walk-in-interview as per the schedule for the post of TGT-Social Science, TGT-DANCE & PGT-Mathematics for the year 2016-17. Here is the detail like no. of vacancies, interview schedule, pay/salary, interview result etc.