Friday, July 8, 2011

Blogger & Picasa Brands Ends, Google+ Push Born

Google To Retire Blogger & Picasa Brands in Google+ Push, Blogger & Picasa Brands ends in 2011, Google+ Push Birth, logo, picture, image, poster, dying, finish, shut down, Google Blogs, Google Photos, Born Blogger to Google Blogs, Picasa to Google Photos
Say goodbye to the Picasa and Blogger names: Google intends to retire several non-Google name brands and rename them as Google products.

Blogger and Picasa will be renamed as part of a branding push following the release of Google+, the company's new social network. Blogger will be called Google Blogs and Picasa will become Google Photos.

�Picasa and Blogger were also Google acquisitions, although both companies have been part of the Google empire for far longer. Picasa was acquired in 2004 and Blogger (co-founded by Evan Williams of Twitter) was acquired in 2003 and is one of the top 10 most visited websites in the world. Although the rebranding could upset some existing customers, it also gives Google the ability to completely integrate both services into Google+.�


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