Friday, December 18, 2015

How to switch account or remove a Facebook account from Facebook Messenger app?

Facebook Messenger, as the name indicate, is the messenger app which opens Facebook messages outside the usual Facebook app. When you open Facebook Messenger app after installing on your phone, it detects your Facebook account from the Facebook app and asks you if you want to login with that account. Here, you have the option to switch account and login as another. Usually, you would login with the same account as the Facebook app.

This account switching is however not available from within the app after you are logged in.  There is no option to log out the current user from the Facebook messenger app and log in with another one. So if you want to switch accounts later or logout or remove the account from the messenger app, it is not possible from the Facebook  Messenger app. This so as of today, 28th December 2015.

How to switch account or remove a Facebook account from Facebook Messenger app?

So if you want to switch Facebook messenger user account to another account or may be remove/logout the current account, you can do so by clearing the Facebook Messenger app's data from applications manager on your phone.

1. Open settings on your phone
2. Locate Applications Manager or Apps
3. Find Messenger and tap to open
4. Look for "Clear Data" and tap on it to clear Facebook Messenger app data
5. Facebook Messenger app is now cleared and back to the state when you first installed the Facebook Messenger app.

When you open the Facebook Messenger app, tap "switch account" to login with another Facebook account.


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